Camper Forms
The following camper forms must be completed and submitted through your online account:
Participation Terms (upon registration)
Camper Info (upon registration)
TIC Health Info: Form asks for basic health information (prior to attending camp)
Programming Info Form: Only if camper is registered for Programming
Permission to Walk Home: Only if a camper has permission to self-dismiss after camp
The following camper forms must be completed and uploaded to your TIC account, emailed to, or brought in on the first day of camp.
Campers who need to bring prescribed and/or over-the-counter medications to camp, please complete the applicable form below, bring on the first day of camp, along with your child’s medication in its original container.
FARE Form (Allergy Action Plan) - must be completed for anyone who has ANY allergy listed on their TIC Health Form
For TIC-VA campers, the VA School Entrance Health Forms and Proof of ID are required by VDOE state licensing (as of 2023) for new campers and campers who attended TIC prior to 2023:
Proof of Identification like a certified birth certificate, passport, report card from a public school in Virginia, or a child ID card issued by Virginia DMV. If you would prefer not to send a copy, you must bring verification on the first day of camp for us to note.
*If you submitted these forms in 2023 and 2024, you need only provide updates or changes, if applicable.
Questions about camper forms? Please contact Tabitha Glading at 703-876-2868 or