Camper Accommodations
Because of our 4:1 teaching ratio and the supportive nature of our staff, TIC has had success with children who have mild learning disabilities (dyslexia, ADD, ADHD). We have also served children with physical disabilities (e.g. deafness or spina bifida). However, TIC counselors are not specifically trained in special education. Therefore, parents of children with behavioral or other conditions that require very close supervision must, before submitting an application, discuss with us whether TIC is appropriate for their child. For campers who need a one-on-one experience, TIC may not be the best fit. Some campers have had success when an aid is present for your child, to ensure everyone can have a positive experience in our camp environment.
While we do our best to accommodate every child, the best way to help us ensure we are providing our services most effectively is to communicate early and often with our year-round staff and Directors! The first days of camp are essential for creating a beneficial relationship between your camper and their counselor, so the more we know about their needs, the better we can make the camp experience!
**When registering your child with special needs, please call our main office to speak with Emily Riedel at (703)-876-2868 so we can accurately meet their needs**