Our Camp Health Advisor will call you as soon as possible if your camper experiences an illness or injury at camp. Any over-the counter medication will be self-administered with the consent of the parent or guardian. Campers who require prescription medications must complete a Medication Authorization Form prior to camp, meet with the Camp Health Advisor on the first day of the session, and provide medication in its original container. Campers with ANY communicable or infectious disease (including COVID and lice) may not attend camp. Campers who become ill at camp must be picked up within a reasonable time frame (60 minutes or less) or the emergency contacts on file will be called for pick up. Please note: there are no refunds or pro-rating of missed camp days.EMOTIONAL SAFETY
These kids have been through a lot, well we all have really, and we want campers to feel safe and supported! If you know or suspect that your camper may struggle this summer, please reach out to the Site Director! It's essential for us to discuss the best way to navigate these situations with your camper so we can prevent any unnecessary stress for your child or others around them. It has been a difficult time, and we want camp to be a place for all our campers to thrive mentally & emotionally, and the best way to make that happen is with input from the people who know them best- you!EMERGENCIES & REPORTING
In the case of an emergency, parents will be notified as soon as possible. If it is a life threatening or time sensitive situation, the proper authorities will be called and/or notified. In the case of weather or other natural disaster, TIC Summer Camp will contact parents via email, web, and phone with the information provided. Please make sure your information is up to date in our records, including any emergency contacts.PLEASE NOTE: All TIC Staff are required to participate in Mandated Reporter training and abide to state regulations and reporting for any suspected child abuse as required by the law.
Carpool cards are the easiest and quickest way to pick up your child at carpool. Please have your Cards displayed visibly on your dashboard. They are required for ALL pick ups, even Extended Day, and are emailed two weeks prior to each session. (You can also pick up extra cards on the first day of the session.) Carpool cards are what we use to identify people that are authorized to pick up your camper. If you want to authorize someone else to pick up your child, simply send/give them the carpool card. If someone tries to pick up your camper without a carpool card, we will need to check their ID and consult the "approved pick up list" (available in your TIC account), and call you to confirm before we release your camper to them. Please note that this takes extra time so please be patient.WEATHER
Beat the Heat! Campers are REQUIRED to bring their own filled water bottles (to prevent dehydration) to be refilled throughout the day. Write your camper’s first and last name on the bottle with a permanent marker! Rocky Mountain sunscreen is provided for your campers to apply themselves. We highly recommend hats for sun protection. We follow the county weather recommendations. When the heat index is Code Orange or greater, campers are not permitted to play outside after 10am. The only exception would be for Water Days, which is usually the second Wednesday of each session.BEHAVIOR & COMMUNITY SAFETY GUIDELINES
TIC is committed to having a community in which every camper and staff member can learn, play, and participate in an atmosphere free from all forms of bullying and harassment. Any form of harassment, whether written, oral, physical, visual, or virtual, is strictly prohibited. Campers may be required to leave camp, with no refund of tuition. The Directors reserve the right to dismiss any participant who violates camp rules or is judged detrimental to the general welfare of programs.Acceptable forms of behavior are well-known for school aged children. We want to make sure everyone is treated with kindness and respect, along with having a great time at camp! Every effort is made to identify and pro-actively redirect the campers’ attention when a potential problem is brewing. However, things do happen and parents will be notified when persistent behavioral problems are identified. There are no refunds if a camper is dismissed due to behavioral issues.
If your camper typically has behavior issues at school or in less-structured settings and you anticipate they may struggle with the expected acceptable behaviors, or that they may experience high levels of emotional or mental stress in the camp setting, please talk to your Site Director before they arrive at camp! Knowing that your camper is extremely stressed by crowds and loud noises or responds better to discipline after calming down with a book for 10 minutes is incredibly helpful information for us. We can then pass that information on to their counselors, who will understand how to more effectively work with your camper and make their camp experience the best it can be! No one knows your child better than you, so we appreciate any guidance you can provide and will do everything we can to make the necessary accommodations.
TIC continues to look inward at our personal beliefs and business operations in order to evaluate the equitability of our programs.Grow Club - The Grow Club will meet during lunch, two times per week. Participation is voluntary and for campers and staff who are girls, nonbinary, or gender expansive. We will continue to create visibility for underrepresented individuals, respectfully celebrate diverse cultures and identities, and work to address the inequities at camp and in our industries.
Community Agreements -A few years ago, we created a community agreement for all our campers and Staff that equally emphasizes physical safety and emotional safety at camp. Just like we are responsible for our bodies and washing our hands to stop the spread of germs to others, we are also responsible for our words and social interactions and how they impact others. Our community agreement will lay the foundation for campers and Staff to have important conversations about emotional safety, including addressing racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and more.
- Always be respectful of the people around you, including their identities, experiences, and beliefs.
- Be open to learning new information about yourself and the experiences of other people and identities.
- Understand that generalizations and stereotypes about our own identities, and the identities of others, are never okay in any form.
- Help maintain a physically and emotionally safe environment where you and other individuals can be their most authentic selves.
- Always assume that everyone is doing the best they can, while also acknowledging that impact matters.